Justin and I woke up at 4:00 AM to prepare for the birth of our baby girl. We had to be at St. Ann's Hospital at 5:00 for a 7:00 scheduled c-section. Heather came over to be with Kamden until he woke up. She was going to get him breakfast and then bring him over to the hospital to meet his baby sister. Things didn't go as planned. As we approached 7:00 AM, we are advised that my surgery is being pushed back due to an emergency c-section of twins. Then another emergency came in, so my doctor went to another area of the hospital to do another scheduled surgery. Finally, at around 9:30 AM, they were ready to take me into the surgery room to begin my preparations.
This was a totally different experience of a c-section from when I had Kamden. With Kamden, my water broke at 8:15 AM on April 9 and we arrived at the hospital around 10:30 AM. They started to induce labor since I was not having any contractions. And I was not ready to push until about 12 hours later. Then, after pushing for over 3 hours and after the doctors trying to vacuum Kamden out without success, it was decided that we needed to have a c-section. I already had an epidural so they wheeled me into the surgery room, put the drape over me, brought Justin in and started the surgery. At 4:30 AM on April 10, Kamden was born. And, while they were stitching me back up, I went to sleep for a couple of hours.
With Kadence, I walked into the surgery room. I was aware of everything around me....the room was cold and sterile. I had to step on a stool to get on the surgery table. Then the anesthesiologist began the numbing process by doing a spinal block. It was amazing how quickly it took effect. However, I could still feel the pocking and prodding on the right side of my belly so they had to do a second attempt. It was a strange feeling to sit up without feeling your legs or hips. It was like I was floating in the middle of the room. After that block finally took, Justin was brought in the room and they began the surgery. Kadence was welcomed into this world at 10:14 AM. She weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces and was 19 inches long. She was a tubby little girl...so very healthy! After they stitched me up, we all went back to recovery to wait on a room. I was able to bond with Kadence almost immediately!

Due to the delay in the surgery, Kamden's schedule of meeting Kadence was not as planned. Heather was awesome at playing with him and distracting him until after lunchtime when we were ready to have him come meet his baby sister. He was so excited to meet her!