Friday marked the 3-month anniversary from when Tammy took her last breath. I can't believe she hasn't been around to ask for a hug. I actually had a dream with her in it the other night, and I remember going up to her an just embracing her and not letting go. I wish I could really do that!
Yesterday, while Scott was away on his annual golfing trip, we went to their house to clean out some of the visual reminders of Tammy. It was a cleansing time as Tammy's two besties, Jennifer and Michelle, and her mom, sister, and two nieces went through her closet and drawers.
For someone who hated to go shopping, she had a lot of clothes. Now, granted many of the clothes were hand-me-downs from me, but there were still a lot that still had tags on them. We packed bag after bag of her jeans, shorts, and shirts and took them to the Free Store on Parsons Avenue. We also packed a couple bags full of her work attire, and Jenny is donating them to New Directions. New Directions is a career center designed to help women get back on their feet by teaching them important job skills and helping them acquire a job. And I believe each of us took our own bag or two home too! Actually, today I am wearing one of the cardigan sweaters we found that still had tags on it! We even convinced Michelle (a die-hard Notre Dame fan) to take home one of Tammy's OSU sweatshirts. Tammy, we are determined to make her a fan!
We found her junior bowling shirt. Wow! Was it tiny! I think it may have been too small for Kamden. My grandma found her class ring from Brookhaven. And I told a story about a pair of black boots found in her closet. They originally were mine, and I told her she could have them. She must have really needed them because those FREE boots ended up costing her over $100. She got a speeding ticket on her way to meet me at work to pick them up!
The huge walk-in closet is mostly bare now. Some empty hangers and a few of Scott's clothes is all we left in that closet. I hope it is less of a reminder to Scott every morning as he gets ready for work. Though, I am sure he thinks of her daily, if not hourly, just as we all do. She was a joyful member of our family, We dearly miss her!
I'm sure it will help Scott tremendously and I hope it helped all of you to relate memories and events that all those things must have triggered. It's just not fair that we can't make a long distance call to heaven every once in a while to just hear the voice or the laugh, etc. I think of her often!