Monday, May 26, 2014

Field of Heros

This weekend marked the 6th year that Westerville has hosted the Field of Heros.  This is an opportunity to honor one's heros by purchasing one of 3.000 flags that are on display for the Memorial Day weekend.  In the past we have bought a flag to honor my grandfather who passed away in August 2009.  He served in the Air Force during World War II.  And Justin's mom bought him a flag three years ago to commemorate his rookie year as a Westerville Police Officer. 
Memorial Day 2009-Grandpa's Flag

My sister and I decided to honor Tammy who has always been one that we have looked up to as we have grown up.  She was always the most positive person around.  She is our personal hero, and one that we miss every day. 
Mom, the kids and I with Tammy's flag

This year's Field of Heros included a special tribute to Public Safety Personnel.  Kamden and I decided this was an appropriate year to honor our personal hero, my husband and Daddy to our two Ks.  And, my in-laws decided it was a good year to honor me, the wife of a police officer....Thank You!
Our hero!

If you have never been to the Field of Heros, make sure you check it out next Memorial Day weekend.  It is awesome to see the 3,000 flags. 

Corporal Greg LeValley's rendition of Amazing Grace on the bagpipes brought me to tears at the Closing Ceremony.

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