Monday, June 2, 2014

Kamden's 5-year Doctor Appointment

Height:  43.25 inches
Weight:  40 pounds
Today was Kamden's 5-year doctor appointment.  It was definitely different from his other appointments.  They did a vision screening where he had to read a chart of different objects (flag, star, circle, etc) from down a hallway.  They also checked his hearing.  He passed the vision and hearing screens without any issues.  Then why doesn't he always hear when I ask him to do something...must be that selective listening. 

He had to get shots too.  Three of them to be exact.  We tried to prepare him, but it was still heart wrenching when he started screaming and crying as the nurse was giving him his shots.  I am so glad Daddy was there to help him and I go through it.  Daddy is always our rock!

Everything Kamden did today was to prepare him to start Kindergarten in the fall.  I can't believe how fast he is growing up.  He is a caring, fun-loving kid who is also very polite and well behaved.  He has the best memory, and can learn things very easily just by hearing about it.  Want to test him?  Give him a number and ask him which Nascar driver drives a car with that number.  Ask him what team a Nascar driver is on or ask him to read any race track off of a sheet of paper.  He can answer every single one of them....and he learned it all just by listening to and watching Nascar races.  I hope these skills stay with him as he goes through school. 

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