Friday, October 24, 2014


I can't believe how quickly time flies.  As I watch Kadence go through the stages of learning to eat, walk and talk, I think back to when Kamden was her age.  We talk about his first words, and how he used to say Daddy (with emphasis on the eeee).  He was never as adventurous as Kadence, being very content to sit in his high chair, unbuckled nonetheless.

Then I get his school pictures from Kindergarten, and I wonder how he got to be so big.   He has already lost his first tooth and can get dressed without any help (though he still lets me pick out his clothes).  He sits at the table and does his homework with little assistance.  And he is starting to read books on his own (but still loves to be read to).

We had our first parent-teacher conference.  Mr. Walker, his teacher, only had good things to say about Kamden.  He shared that he is one of the strongest math kids in the class, and right in the middle of the class in regards to reading and writing.  This totally makes sense to us....He learned his numbers at an early age by keeping track of all of the Nascar drivers.  And he amazed us early on that he knew basic adding and subtracting with little practice.  Mr. Walker also shared that Kamden needs little redirection.  He is a great listener and does what is asked of him.

I sometimes wonder how he turned out to be such a great kid!  I hope this trend continues throughout the rest of his life.  I think he is an awesome kid who is fun to around.  He loves to make his sister laugh and play with her.  But he is just as content to play with his Nascars or a game of War, the card game.

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